Project link: http://mazamedia.com/isp/
Internet Soul Portraits (I.S.P.)
I.S.P. is a tongue-in-cheek treatment of Web design as pure representation. In this project, familiar images are altered by the application of essentialist, reductive strategies from a painterly tradition. The images are derived from the home pages of some of the most popular sites on the Internet: Yahoo, Google, MSN, Amazon, CNN, eBay, The Weather Channel, MapQuest, Best Buy, and MySpace.
Personal Computer at Second Gallery, Boston
K.I.S.S. at Club Internet
Rhizome Artbase
Strip & Remix
Featured on 53os, Fluctuat (France), Lift Lab (Switzerland), Rhizome, Everything Is Gone (Japan), CNET, menéame (Spain), New Akiba (Japan), Core77, Waxy, Computer Love, Swissmiss, NOTCOT, Kaliber 10000 (Denmark), Imazine (France), Projectionist, Hi-Res! (UK), Designboom, Inkiostro (Italy), Multimédia Lab (Belgium), FFFFOUND, Subtraction, Information Aesthetics, SLN (Japan), Next Nature, Vecindad Gráfica (Mexico), Design Feast, HAMACA (Spain), a mínima magazine, Simplifier Lab, Elastico (Spain), Typolis (Germany), Nuzzaci (Sweden), Eightface (Canada).